There is an American multinational music company called 88 RISING where lots of asian music creators belongs to. As my main characters are Chinese immigrants, I wanted to use a song singed by an asian artist and that has a happy and energetic beat.

These are my two final choices for my opening song, they are both asian music artists in 88 RISING MUSIC COMPANY
I could't decide which of these two songs would be my final choice, so I asked the followers of YAYAY FILM instagram account to pick one of them. @yayayfilms_official

After finishing filming the café scene, I moved on with editing.
While I was adjusting the clips I realized the café background music was different in each of the clips and the sound didn't seems to be neither fluid or connected with the next clip.
It bothered me a lot so I tried to find a solution. One of my classmates suggested me to record sound effects and voice overs to fix that issue, and that's what I attempted to do, this means I need to mute the clips sounds.
This is the tutorial I followed to record the sound effects.
These are some of the voice overs that I've applied for my film opening.
I told my main actress to record her lines and send it to me via wassapp.
Unfortunately, my second actress got covid and she was not feeling well to record her voice, as a result, I did it with my voice instead.
Lastly, my dad did the voice over for the café worker.
Sound effects made with objects I found in my house
I used the shazam app to know the name of the song playing in the café